Install Eclipse Galileo for Django and Pinax – Part 2

Now, onto getting Pinax installed for development purposes:

I really don't like how things have gone with Pinax installation in the past few months. I'm going to give my own take on things. Pinax has moved to GitHub and so should you.

First, create an account at GitHub. Then, fork Pinax so you have your own copy to work with. For me, I have my development version here. If you want this repository to be private, you can pay GitHub $7/month - well worth it if this is a corporate gig.

Now you can follow the Pinax directions from your own fork.

$ curl -O

$ python --development ../Documents/workspace/WhateverYouNamedProject/src/pinax

$ source ../Documents/workspace/WhateverYouNamedProject/src/pinax/bin/activate

(pinax)$ cd ../Documents/workspace/WhateverYouNamedProject/src/pinax

(pinax)$ pip install --requirement src/pinax/requirements/external_apps.txt

At this point, if you have an existing installation of Pinax on your machine, you may get an error about django-wikiapp being the wrong version. In a new command line tab, run:

pip install django-wikiapp==0.1.2

If it says it's already installed, you may need to delete the existing django-wikiapp in the directory shown by the error in the pip install command above. Now it's time to start a project:

(pinax)$ pinax-admin clone_project basic_project myproject

You now have a Pinax site in myproject/ directory

(pinax)$ cd myproject

(pinax)$ ./ syncdb

(pinax)$ ./ runserver

Now, go to your browser and navigate to

Hopefully, you now see a Pinax website in all its glory.