defaultdict to count items in Django

One of the great things I discovered today is defaultdict().   This allows one to create dictionaries with a count for each item in a very compact and powerful way.  Look at this:
>>> for item in NoticeQueueBatchByUser.objects.filter(user=3).values('label','on_site'):
...   d[item['label']] += 1
>>> d.items()
[(u'pagedisplay_violation', 4)]
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(int)
>>> for item in ExampleModel.objects.values('label','other_info'):
...   d[item['label']] += 1
>>> d.items()
[(u'key_1', 4),(u'another_key',2)]
This will give you the number of times each label appears in ExampleModel.objects.values('label','other_info')